Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Holiday Meeting of the RFArea REA


The RFArea REA started the holiday season out right on December 3 at the West Wind.  A sizable and enthusiastic group of members enjoyed the stories, the music, the fun, and even gifts to end the year right.

Ethel Johnson (above) and Inez Schubert (right) were on hand to receive their Honored Member cards and pins.  They and 22 other members of our local unit have been recognized for more than 20 years of sustained Wisconsin Retired Educators' Association membership.  Both Ethel and Inez have served in leadership positions in our unit over the course of years.  Congratulations to all of our Honored Members!

Dave Wood, former book editor of the Minneapolis Star Tribune and current columnist for the River Falls Journal, read his Norski take on 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, complete with  Wisconsin/Minnesota/Dakotas Norwegian accent.  The poem is published in Dave Wood's Christmas Book:  Stories, Traditions, Recipes & Celebrations, A Compendium Gleaned from 150 Years of His Family's Life in the Upper Midwest.  

We were then regaled with stories and songs from (pictured left to right) Bill Montgomery, Bernie Brohaugh, Ruth Wood, Gorden Hedahl, Jean Loudon, and Jane Harred.  They sang "O Tannenbaum," "Good King Wenceslaus," and other selections interspersed with readings from Charles Dickens and Dave Wood and Bernie's light-hearted tale of his cousin's Christmas travels in Mississippi.

The members then sang holiday tunes together, including everyone's favorite, "White Christmas," along with other songs.
Below are photos of the festivities.  We were glad to see some folks we hadn't seen in a while--Donna and Don Blegen, Margarita Hendricksen, Dick and Sue Beckham--and are always glad to see those stalwarts who come to all the meetings.

We wish you could have all joined us.  
Here's wishing all of our members happy holidays--and hoping that we will see all of you in January.

January 14th, 10:30 at River Falls Public Library to discuss The Teacher Wars

January 21st, 11:00 at the West Wind with guest speaker Dr. Todd Savage