Friday, May 16, 2014

Inaugural Book Discussion

The RFArea Wisconsin Retired Educators' Association kicked off its book discussion group on Wednesday, May 14, 2014, at the River Falls Public Library.  The focus of the discussion was Diane Ravitch's most recent book entitled Reign of Error:  The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America's Public Schools.  Nick Been, Vice Principal at River Falls High School (and Ruth Wood's former student), joined the conversation, providing interesting local perspectives on standardized testing, Wisconsin educational mandates and initiatives, and the politicization of education.

Members Larry Harred, Jane Harred, Ethel Johnson, Marylin Plansky, 

Bernie Brohaugh, Ruth Wood, and River Falls High School Vice Principal Nick Been

Jane Harred and Ethel Johnson
The next book discussion will be held in July.  It was agreed that a good summertime read will be Richard Rodriguez's The Hunger of Memory:  The Education of Richard Rodriguez.  Not only is Rodriguez an excellent writer, but his memoir provides wonderful insights about the challenges of English language learners navigating American education, the "cost" of education to immigrant children, and other educational issues.  It's a great book.  More details regarding exact place and time will be forthcoming.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

BOOK DISCUSSION    MAY 14, 2014      10:30 A.M.

River Falls Public Library--Board Room

Join us for the first of what we hope will be regular book discussions.  If you haven't had time to read the book, come anyway.  As former public school educators, you no doubt have lots of ideas about the current trend of using public tax dollars to fund private charter schools.  You can find a conversation between Bill Moyers and Diane Ravitch at this website. With your state WREA membership, you can also access WREA's "toolkit" on Private School Voucher Expansion on the legislative resources page.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

RFArea WREA Members Attend District Meetings

Spring is the season for WREA district meetings around the state.  Members from our local chapter attended meetings at two different locations in the state.

Laura Zlogar and Ruth Wood made their first visit to the District III meeting, held at Stratford on May 6, 2014.  Not only did they get to meet members from other locals in our district (including Mike Higgins from Rothschild, WI, a UWRF elementary education graduate who did his observation hours in Ethel Johnson's classroom almost in the early 1970s), but also heard addresses by WREA Executive Director Dave Bennett and Neillsville School Superintendent John Gaier.  State champion madrigal choir from Marshfield High School provided the entertainment.  Both Ruth and Laura came back with new ideas that they hope will benefit our chapter.

Laura Zlogar and Ruth Wood at the District III meeting in Stratford.

Marylin Plansky and Ethel Johnson made their way to Rice Lake for the District I meeting on May 7th, highlighted by the appearance of Senator Bob Jauch.