It has become a tradition at River Falls Area REA to kick off the summer with a little celebration at our June meeting. This year programming chair Larry Harred arranged for our group to gather at Swinging Bridge Brewery in downtown River Falls, a relatively new microbrewery with a great selection of beers and appetizers.
Roger Hulne holds a check facsimile presented to our unit at the District III meeting in May. The more than $54,000 amount on the check represents the dollar value of all the hours our members have contributed through volunteering in a variety of venues: 4H, public libraries, public schools, nonprofit organizations, and other activities. WREA units across the state devote significant time and effort to make the lives of people in Wisconsin better. The service of our members didn't end with their retirement as teachers, support staff, or administrators. We continue to make a difference in our state.
Larry Harred, Jeanette Potts, and Glenn Potts enjoy conversation and the ambiance of the Swinging Bridge Brewery.
Ruth Wood, Marylin Plansky, Kathleen Drecktrah, and Karen Brohaugh chat before they part ways for the summer.
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