Here are a few highlights from the revised bylaws.
Description of WREA:
Purpose, Mission, and Goals: "The Wisconsin Retired Educators' Association (WREA) is an independent non-partisan association of retired educators and others interested in education. We are committed to protecting retired public educators' pensions and advocating for a strong Wisconsin Retirement System. We inform our members about and advocate for legislative and public education issues relevant to retired public educators."
A discussion about the length of a temporary appointment of a District Director led to the addition of the last clause in this section:
District Officers (Section 5.05.A: "Each district has two District Directors elected in alternate years for two-year terms of office. Elections are held each year at the district meeting with results reported to the WREA President prior to June 1. The District Director assumes office following the June Board of Directors' meeting. A District Director may serve no more than three consecutive terms (6 years). A vacancy occurs when there is a resignation, death, failure to hold an election, failure to fulfill the duties of the District Director as stated in the bylaws [Section 5.05C] or removal of a District Director as stated in the bylaws [Section 5.01.D]. A vacancy in this office is filled with an appointment by the WREA President until the next district meeting.
The role and duties of the WREA units evoked a good deal of discussion and revision. The final version follows:
Section 5.06. Units. Unit boundaries are determined the WREA Board of Directors. Units receive assistance in organizing from the District Directors. New units must have a minimum of 12 WREA members and are admitted to the WREA upon application to and approval by the Board of Directors. They receive a charter with proper ceremony at the first unit meeting following organization.
A. Duties.
1. Promote the mission and goals of the WREA.
2. Write unit bylaws to complement the WREA bylaws. [A proposal to omit this item failed to pass.]
3. Encourage unit officers to maintain membership in WREA and the unit. [A vote of 46 yes, 39 no changed WREA membership from a requirement for officers to optional.]
4. Encourage units to conduct at least three general meetings each year. [A vote of 49 yes, 40 no changed this to optional from required.]
5. Encourage to have at least the followings committees: Membership, Public Education Outreach, Legislative, and Community Services/Health Issues. [Again, this was changed from a requirement to a suggestion.]
6. Submit requested reports to the WREA.
7. Encourage participation in the WREA convention, district meetings, and conferences.
There was a proposal to eliminate 5.06.B, which describes the dissolution of a unit if it does not follow the above duties. That motion failed.
Check the WREA website soon for the complete revised bylaws.
Check the WREA website soon for the complete revised bylaws.